This summer was unlike any other summer, it forced us to accept new norms. These new norms have allowed us to maintain a stronger virtual presence to our audience. The physical space was unusually quiet for a summer, but the virtual space was blowing up with excited young children and young adults who were anxious; they could not wait to see what we had in store to occupy their summer with fun filled and educationally engaging activities.
Yes, it is true that our students have been online for a while engaging in learning activities, but they missed us and we missed them just as much. It has been such a long time since they have come bursting through our doors, filling the hall with love and laughter. This was the perfect opportunity to reconnect with them, despite the non-traditional way in which it had to be done.
How did we entertain and educate them? Well, each and every Friday, for four weeks beginning in the month of July and ending in August there was an online session for the young children and young adults (ages 6 – 17 years) to partake of. These sessions were organized with activities ranging from craft, scientific experiments, food preparation, among other interesting features.

Let’s take a look at some of the activities that has had our students hooked each week to their tablets, phones and computers. It was sizzling hot this summer! Click on the links below to see what was happening, and become engrossed in some of the activities shared by your peers.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 4 was a BRAWTA, students and parents were so pleased with the activities of the week before that they requested more. The team got together and planned another round of sizzling activities for the children.