2 Corinthians 9:6-7 teaches us that, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”
Teachers and students of a drumming ensemble from the East Street Junior Centre perform for wards in state care at the Reddie’s Place of Safety on December 2019. From left to right are: Jaiden Whyte, Iyana Stewart, Imani Stewart and Jordan Whyte. Behind the children is Mr. Milton Bonner, Drumming instructor. Dance Tutor JeAndra Davis-Marcellin and student perform dance piece at the Reddie’s Place of Safety
The Junior Centre has made it a yearly mission to continue giving back to groups and communities in various ways. The Heroes for Children project is just one of those ways. This last Heroes for Children project commenced with a launch in November 2019 to engage persons and create awareness of the project and the need to support our less advantaged children. In doing so, persons are encouraged to give of what we have in abundance to the less fortunate, or just simply making a sacrifice of giving for the greater good to the less fortunate.
If you are a Jamaican, you know that despite some of the negative stereotypes of being violent, abusive, and loud, we have a kind heart, and no matter where we are in the world, we love to give. From the publicity of the project, various items were received as donations for our target homes. School stationery, foodstuff, and toiletries, footwear, along with ice-cream and cones were donated. These items were presented on Friday, December 13 to the Reddie’s Place of Safety, located at 16 Burgher Avenue, Kingston. Accompanying the presentation of the gifts was the presence of the Junior Centre team. The Centre’s children entertained the fourteen (14) wards and three (3) staff present with items of Dance, Drumming, Music, and Sign Language, and engaged them in craft activities.
The wards got a drumming lesson, learned some sign language, and interacted with the Centre’s children and dance instructors on the dance floor (see pictures below). Other activities included the making of a papercraft (Christmas tree) which students and teachers facilitated them in making, These creations were used to accentuate their Christmas tree on the compound.
All-in-all, it was a fun-filled and rewarding afternoon. Staff, tutors, and our children look forward to launching the project again. We anticipate that now that our sponsors, supporters, team members, and other stakeholders are more aware of this annual event, that giving will increase. We thank each and everyone who has helped in making this activity a possibility so that the joy, peace, and love of giving can spread one help and one hand at a time.